MKTG SR - pasek na kartach artykułów

Four Steps To Authentic Communications

mat. prasowe
Communication based on empathy workshops in English. Talk about yourself and practice your English

For whom:
-for all those who want to break the language barrier and increase their self-awareness.

At the workshops we learn:
- how to observe, identify and express our own feelings, needs, and separate them from thoughts, interpretations and strategies?
- how to listen to critical words and do not feel hurt
- how to construct requests in such a way that enriche our life?
- how to build relationships with self and others, based on sincerity and mutual understanding?

Each workshop is devoted to selected subject and communication based on empathy practice

1 Observation
2 Feelings
3 Needs
4 Requests
5 Empathic communication in practice

Self Presentation Skills – How To Boost Your Career?

We invite you to a series of workshops in English on subject of self-presentation

What you need to achieve succes when being interviewed for a job?
At the first stage of any job interview candidate’s soft skills are being assessed. The common questions are: How do you cope with stress? What motivates you to work? What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Objectives of the workshops:
-get to know the standard questions that arise during job interviews and
develop responses, based on the knowledge and experience of a group and possible strategies
-how to behave, react and what you might expect at an interview
-practice English conversation skills

For Whom:
-for job seekers and students who want to prepare for a job interview
-for people interested in the subject of personal development who want to break the language barrier and practice communication skills in English

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